Part Two: The Importance of Working Together to Address AI in Our Schools
Welcome to Part Two of my blogging series on how to navigate AI in the BC high-school context. Part One focused on the "how to" of facilitating discussions on both the ethics and applications of AI technology in a high-school setting. This second post will outline what to consider when working to establish a culture of AI in your school. First off, I believe varying perspectives on AI can be a strength for a school staff. It’s neither ideal nor realistic for all teachers to hold parallel beliefs on AI. So, rather than disempowering those with conservative takes on AI by discouraging their views, I believe we should empower all to share their thinking, which will in turn broaden a school's collective understanding. Educational leaders shouldn't necessarily strive for universality of perspective but rather universality of urgency. To meet the challenge that AI presents, we'll need all hands on deck. I recently held a department meeting where a colleague shared some...